How do I set up my microphone and save my recordings on a Windows computer?

If you wish to use your computer to record your speaking practice in this program, you will need a computer microphone. Please note that you can also use other recording devices (for example, tape recorders) if you do not have a computer microphone. The instructions that follow explain how to set up a computer microphone.

Your computer should have a connection to plug in a microphone. Some computers (especially laptop computers) have built-in microphones. A computer microphone can be purchased at many stores. We recommend that you use a combination headset (with microphone and speakers) to listen and record.

Setting up your microphone:

We recommend that you check the microphone settings on your computer.

1.  Click on the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Volume Control to display the Volume Control box.

2.  Or, use your right mouse button to click on the Volume icon  on your taskbar. Then, select "Open Volume Control."

3.  In the Volume Control box, set the Volume Control Balance  at least to a middle level. Also, make sure that "Mute all"  is not selected.

4.  In the same Volume Control box, view the Microphone Balance.

5.  If Microphone balance is not displayed, click on Options > Properties. In the Show the Following Volume Controls field, select "Microphone" and click OK.

6.  Set the Microphone balance at a middle level and make sure the Mute box  is not selected.

Screen 1: Volume Control Box

We recommend that you check the recording settings on your computer.

7.  From the same Volume Control box, click on Options > Properties and select "Recording" . Make sure "Microphone"  is checked and click OK.

Screen 2: Volume Control Properties

8.  The Recording Control screen appears when you click OK in the screen above. Make sure the recording volume is set at a middle level  and "Select" is checked .

Screen 3: Recording Control Screen

Saving your recordings:

You have the option to save on the Self-Assessment Checklist Screen any of the speaking activities that you record using a computer microphone.

Screen 4: Self-Assessment Checklist Screen

To save your recording, follow these steps:

1.  On the Self-Assessment Checklist screen, click on the Save Recording button. 

2.  In the "Save Recording" dialog box (Screen 5), use the navigation area  to select the folder in which to save the recording.

3.  We recommend that you keep the default file name  so that it is easy to know from which activity the recording was done. The end of the file name indicates how many attempts you have made at the speaking activity (for example, "A1" means "Attempt 1").

4.  Click on the Save button  to save your recording.

Screen 5: Save Recording Dialog Box

5.  Each speaking file that you wish to save must be saved individually using steps 1 to 4 above.

6.  To listen to a saved recording, go to the folder in which you save your recording. Double-click on the file you wish to hear. The file will open in QuickTime.

Other Notes and Recommendations:

  We recommend that you save your recordings to a drive that includes a lot of space. A floppy disc, for example, is quite small and only holds a few recording files.

  If you intend to share your recordings (for example, with your instructor), we recommend that you use a high capacity removable drive, such as a Flash drive or Zip drive. The recording files may be too large to send easily by e-mail.

  We recommend that you save your recordings in a folder location that will not change. The program will remember your saved recordings if they remain in their original saved location. You may hear your previously saved recordings by reviewing your work in the "Results" section of the program.

  If your file cannot be located, you can browse to find the file. Once it has been located, the program will once again remember where the recording is saved.