What information do the Results Reports and Skill Reports give me?
Results Report
Each Results Report contains information for one Skills exercise or one Test. The report lists each question, the related skill from the Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: Next Generation iBT, and whether the answer was correct, incorrect, or not answered.
Scores are shown in the upper right corner of the Results Report . Results Reports for Skills and Tests indicate the number of questions answered correctly before the answers were checked. Results Reports for Tests indicate the scaled TOEFL score.
Double-click on a question to see the question and how you answered it (see Screen 2).
Screen 1: Sample Results Report Screen
Click on Explain to see the correct answer and to read an explanation. In Listening, it is possible to listen to the conversation again and view the script.
Screen 2: Sample Results Report Review Question Screen
Skill Reports
Skill Reports are cumulative. They contain information about all of the Skills Practice exercises and Tests that you have taken. The skills are listed in order, along with the number of questions tried and the percentage answered correctly (see Screen 3). This will show you how well you are doing in each of the skills and which skills may need more practice.
Skill reports include points from the Self-Assessment Checklists at the end of the Speaking and Writing sections. Each Yes check mark on the Self-Assessment Checklist counts as one point in the appropriate skill.
Screen 3: Sample Skill Report
Results Reports and Skill Reports can be printed.
To look at Reports for a previous session, choose Results from the Main Menu. You can then choose the section or test that you want to review.