How do I use the Listening sections?

In the Listening sections, you will listen to lectures and conversations and answer questions about them. Listen to each audio passage and question carefully.

You must answer each question in Listening. You may not skip questions.
After you enter your answer, click on the Next  button.
This activates OK . Click on OK to move to the next question.
You cannot go back to previous questions in this section.

Screen 1: Sample Listening Test Screen

Listening Question Types

There are 3 types of questions in the Listening Section: Multiple-Choice, Click on 2 answers, and Charts.

Click on your answer choice.
To change your answer before going on to the next question, click on another answer choice.

Screen 2: Sample Listening Multiple Choice Question Screen

Click on two of four answer choices
You must click on two answers. An X will appear in the answer box.
To change your answer, click on the choice again to delete the X. Then click on another answer choice.

Screen 3: Sample Listening Click on Two Question Screen

Chart question
Click on a box to enter your answer. A check mark will appear.
To change your answer, click on another box in the same row.
Each row must have one check mark.

Screen 4: Sample Listening Chart Question Screen

Listening Skills

In Skills, the buttons at the top of the screen become available after you hear the question. After you click on an answer, you can choose to check your answer, listen to the audio again, view the audio script, or go to the next question. You cannot go back to previous questions in this section.

Click on the Volume control button  and move the bar to the right or left to adjust the volume of the audio. To close this button, click on another part of the screen.
Some multiple-choice questions have a  button  in the question. Click on the button to replay the audio for the question.

Click on Listen  to replay the audio for the listening passage.

Click on View Script  to read the script and to replay the audio.

Screen 5: Sample Listening Skills Screen with replay button

You can replay the listening passage audio in both the Listen and View Script screens. (See Screen 6).

Screen 6: Sample Listening View Script Screen

Click on the Play , Pause , or Stop  buttons.
To replay a certain segment of the audio in conversations and lectures, click on the numbers in the small page icons  on the left side of the screen. The segment that contains the answer to the question is highlighted.

When you choose Listen  or View Script  after clicking on Explain, the script will show the answer to the question in blue text.

Listening Mini-Tests and Complete Tests

A Mini-Test contains one conversation and one lecture with 11 questions. You will have 7 minutes to answer the questions, but it will take about 20 minutes to listen to the passages and answer the questions in a Mini-Test.

A Complete Test is divided into two parts. Each part contains one conversation and two lectures with 17 questions. In each part, you will have 10 minutes to answer the questions, but it will take about 30 minutes to listen to the passages and answer the questions in each part.

After you answer a question, click on the Next button. This activates OK. Click on OK to move to the next question.

At the end of the test section you can review each question, your answers, and the explanations in the Results Report.